Birch BayDesert BeautyBarnwoodSpring Sprung The DeepRobin’s 3D Quilt Exit Gallery

The Desert Beauty Quilt

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The Desert Beauty Quilt was made in May of 1999 on the heels of the Birch Bay Quilt. It was made for my brother, Marvin Sauer. He chose a desert landscape because of his deep appreciation for the desert. He gave me a rough sketch of how he wanted it to be and I drew the final sketch. I finished this quilt in thirty days. It was my second quilted wall hanging. Marvin said that I exceeded his expectations. I had learned at the end of this quilt that I don't have all my ideas figured out in the beginning of the project. I think of them as I go. I have to exercise some faith in myself that I will have a finished product in the end even if I don't know how I will at the start.